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Monday, 07 July, 2014

Terahertz spectroscopy on hole transport in pentacene thin film

S. Engelbrecht, M. Prinz, T. Arend, and R. Kersting -
Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 105 (1), 012101 (2014)

Charge transport in pentacene thin films is investigated using terahertz electromodulation spectroscopy. Although the material is highly polycrystalline, a hole mobility of about 20 cm2/Vs is found, which exceeds the mobility obtained in DC measurements by orders of magnitude. The high AC mobility results from a motion of charge carriers, which is not hindered by grain boundaries. An upper limit of mh  0.8 me is deduced for the conductivity effective mass of holes in pentacene.


Article on journal's website