Upcoming Seminars
CeNS Colloquium
Friday, Sept 13, 15:30h
Prof. Daniel Heller, Sloan Kettering Institute, Weill Cornell Medicine New York
Nanochemistry for the Research, Detection, and Treatment of Cancer
Future Events
PYTHON Workshop
Welcome to the Center for NanoScience
The Center for NanoScience (CeNS) was founded in 1998 at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich. The mission of CeNS is to promote and coordinate interdisciplinary research in the field of nanoscience in the Munich area. CeNS is an association of junior and senior scientists from basic research and industry and is conceived as a network, joining people from various institutions (LMU, TU Munich, University of Augsburg and others).
A network exploring the nanoworld
CeNS consolidates research activities at the nanometer scale from the areas of physics, biophysics, chemistry, biochemistry, and medicine. The network promotes the mutual understanding and collaboration between researchers from these different disciplines by joint seminars, workshops, and schools which are organized by CeNS. Professors, junior group leaders, PostDocs, and graduate students interact with each other within this lively network, exchanging scientific ideas and establishing new research collaborations.
Interdisciplinary Education
CeNS offers a comprehensive educational program to PhD and Diploma students. Workshops, seminars, colloquia and lecture series are organized on a regular basis throughout the whole year. The topics presented by internationally renowned speakers cover the broad spectrum of nanosciences and nanobiosciences. International exchange programs and soft-skills workshops complete the interdisciplinary program. The students are incited to suggest workshop topics and organize scientific events on their own and are strongly encouraged to invite interesting speakers to seminars and workshops.
Transfer to Industry
The creative and unorthodox atmosphere within CeNS efficiently helped to create concepts for and incubate young nano-technological companies: the spin-off companies attocube systems, baseclick, ChromoTek, ethris, Gattaquant, GNA biosolutions, ibidi, Nanion Technologies, Nanotools, NanoTemper and Neaspec currently employ about 500 mostly young scientists and technologists, working primarily on nano- and nanobiotechnological tasks. CeNS offers a creative scientific environment which is essential for these start-up companies, acts as a training facility with over 100 graduates per year, and provides the spin-offs with well-trained and particularly motivated scientists and technologists. More...
International Cooperation
In addition to the numerous research collaborations of individual CeNS members with scientists from all around the world, CeNS has established a growing number of cooperations with international nanoscience institutes. Exchange of doctoral researchers (e.g. Junior Nanotech Network) and Master's students as well as joint workshops (e.g. Workshop on Global Challenges - Opportunities for Nanotechnology) are the means by which these cooperations are realized. More...
The Fertile Soil
On the fertile soil of CeNS new multidisciplinary research groups have been established such as the Clusters of Excellence e-conversion and MCQST, the SFB 1032 "Nanoagents for spatiotemporal control of molecular and cellular reactions" of the German research council (DFG) as well as many interdisciplinary research projects supported by the BMBF, the DFG, the Volkswagen Foundation, and the European Union.
Application welcome - Nano Innovation Award 2024
The LMU Center for NanoScience and four LMU spin-off companies jointly award prizes for innovative more …
Diamond glitter: a play of colors with artificial DNA crystals
Using DNA origami, LMU researchers have built a diamond lattice with a periodicity of hundreds of more …
Heat flows the secret to order in prebiotic molecular kitchen
LMU biophysicists have demonstrated how heat flows through rock fissures could have created the more …
Further News more ...
Design of Experiments Grants Mechanistic Insights into the Synthesis of Spermine-Containing PBAE Copolymers
Kromer, APE; Sieber-Schäfer, F; Benito, JF; Merkel, OM
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.4c06079 more …
Revealing Mode Formation in Quasi-Bound States in the Continuum Metasurfaces via Near-Field Optical Microscopy
Gölz, T; Baù, E; Aigner, A; Mancini, A; Barkey, M; Keilmann, F; Maier, SA; Tittl, A
DOI: more …
Further Selected Publications
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