CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Company Visit Infineon

July 5, 2022, 9.00 am - 1.00 pm
Campeon Neubiberg

You will visit Infineon at the Campeon in Neubiberg and take a tour through the error analysis lab, guided by CeNS alumni. In addition, you will learn about ESD (electrostatic discharge) as one of the hazards that all IC's need to be robust against to survive handling and manufacturing processes from silicon fab until final end-user application.

At a lunch together with HR and CeNS alumni on the Campeon, you will learn more about a future career at Infineon.

The detailed program will be available about two weeks prior to the event.

Please register by June 21: eveeno.com/302988572