CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Science Rocks!

In this seminar, PhD students of CeNS and of the Faculty of Physics present their current research to their peer students followed by scientific discussions in an informal atmosphere.

Science Rocks! takes place Thursdays at 17:00 in the seminar room N110 of the LMU physics building (Rädler chair). All graduate students of CeNS and the Faculties of Physics and Chemistry are invited to attend. After the talk, there is time for scientific discussions and further exchange to strengthen the network of PhD students of CeNS.

The PhD students Opens window for sending emailAgathe Jouneau (AG Rädler) and Opens window for sending emailJan Willeke (AG Frey) are responsible for the organization of the event. You can contact them if you have questions about the event or if you would like to give a talk in the upcoming semester!

Date Speaker Location

With talks from Vlasta Hadalin (Serwane Lab, LMU), Jan Jedryszek (Alim group, TUM) and Ruslan Mukhamadiarov (Rulands group, LMU)

Seminar Room N110, Fakultät für Physik, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1


Johnny Tong, Alim Lab and Achim Brinkop, Serwane Lab
DHL drivers in a slime mould &
An oblique plane light-sheet microscope for volumetric imaging of neural signals and in situ sample manipulation

Seminar Room N110, Faculty of Physics


Thorsten Gölz: Using tip bound light to study photoswitchable lipid vesicles
Career talk: Dr. Anna Melbinger: From Academia to IT Consulting - Insights into my job at Xenium AG
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Seminar Room N110, Fakultät für Physik, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1