CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Data acquisition and Control Workshop

The Center for NanoScience and the Opens external link in new windowSFB 1032 offer a "Data Acquisition and Control Workshop" in cooperation with Opens external link in new windowNational Instruments. No prior knowledge is required to participate in this course! This 3-hour workshop will cover the fundamental principles you need to consider when designing a new experiment:

  • Measurement types
  • Sampling theory
  • Precision and accuracy
  • Error correction
  • Signal conditioning
  • Synchronization
  • Implementing control algorithms in hardware
  • Introduction to real-time OS and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)
  • Determinism
  • Bus systems

 In addition, one or more selected projects will be discussed and designed after the above principles have been covered. If you would like to have your project/experiment put through this step-by-step discussion, please conctact Fabian Wehnekamp (fabian.wehnekamp@ni.com).

At the end of the seminar there will be the opportunity for socializing and networking with some refreshments.

When: Wednesday, May 23, 5.00 pm – 8.00 pm

Where: Kleiner Physikhörsaal, LMU Faculty of Physics

Please register by e-mail with Opens window for sending emailClaudia Leonhardt.