CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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How to start your own group - the toolkit for academic success

Date and Time: Thursday, March 31 & Friday, April 1, 9:00-17:00 h

Place: Room H537, Schellingstr. 4

Workshop Outline:
This workshop for postdocs and young group leaders aims to show you all the tools you need to start your own academic research group:

Funding... will show you how to pick the right funding type for your plans and how to effectively write the applications.

Science... will enable you to structure you own group and position it within the environment at your institute and beyond.

People... is all about leading; yourself and your team.

The workshop will be highly interactive, mostly based on discussions and interactive exercises.

A pair of trainers (Dr. Philipp Gramlich and Jun.-Prof. Alexander Schiller) will be present throughout the entire workshop. Both are chemists who will bring their experiences from leadership positions in academia and industry along.

CeNS junior group leaders and postdocs working in CeNS groups can register for the workshop by sending an e-mail to Opens window for sending emailDr. Susanne Hennig by March 18, 2016.

Maximum number of participants: 10