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Wednesday, 06 June, 2018

Celebrating NanoTemper Technologies

CeNS Spin-off looks back on 10 successful years


The NanoTemper Technologies GmbH was founded in 2008 by Dr. Stefan Duhr and Dr. Philipp Baaske, two former PhD students from the lab of Prof. Dieter Braun. At the time, the effect of thermophoresis was not known within the Life Sciences community, but Stefan and Philipp knew that it was important. Realizing the shortcomings of current protein research techniques, they came up with a method, MicroScale Thermophoresis, that was enormously sensitive, and would bring researchers one step closer to developing better drugs faster.

Now, NanoTemper has over 120 employees in 10 offices around the world including Munich, Germany; Cambridge, UK; Kraków, Poland; Copenhagen, Denmark; South San Francisco and Boston, USA; Sao Paulo, Brazil; St. Petersburg, Russia; Bangalore, India and Beijing, China.

This year, the company celebrates its 10th anniversary. Congratulations!

Opens external link in new windownanotempertech.com