CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Thursday, 13 November, 2014

Synthetic Biology

New Graduate Research Training Group established

Biological components can be redesigned or even newly designed to the point of creating artificial cell-like systems with the aid of synthetic biological methods. It is expected that synthetic biological approaches will be used more frequently in order to make new discoveries about the complexity of individual cells, living organisms and whole ecosystems more efficiently. Better understanding of biological processes is essential in order to discover the causes of disease, find new therapies and establish new biotechnological procedures. The "Synthetic Biology" Research Training Group will not only analyse these processes in detail, but also provide impetus for the development of synthetic cellular switches or synthetic proteins and even for the establishment of cell-free synthetic biological systems.

Participating CeNS members: Professro Thomas Carell (LMU), Professor Erwin Frey (LMU), Professor Petra Schwille (MPI for Biochemistry), and Professor Friedrich Simmel (TUM).

Spokesperson: Professor Dr. Kirsten Jung, LMU

DFG Press Release