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Wednesday, 02 April, 2014

Balancing science and family obligations

Carleen Kluger wins grant of the Christine Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation


Doing a doctorate in science and taking care of a child at the same time is not always easy. CeNS associate Carleen Kluger (MPI for Biochemistry) has got support for this challenging task now by the Christine-Nüsslein-Vollhard Foundation.

The Foundation for the promotion of science and research, initiated in 2004, supports talented young women with children. It aims to enable them to create the freedom and mobility required to further their scientific careers. It is aimed specifically at graduate students in the fields of experimental natural sciences and medicine, targeting specifically the problem that makes life so difficult for many female scientists, namely balancing family obligations with the duties of an independent researcher. A monthly financial grant to pay for assistance in household chores and for additional childcare is aimed to relieve these young female scientists from household tasks. The time thus freed allows them to continue working at a high standard, despite the double burden.

Christine Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation