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Wednesday, 18 April, 2012

Critical and Strong-Coupling Phases in One- and Two-Bath Spin-Boson Models

C. Guo, A. Weichselbaum, J. v. Delft, and M. Vojta -
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 108 (16), 160401 (2012)

For phase transitions in dissipative quantum impurity models, the existence of a quantum-to-classical correspondence has been discussed extensively. We introduce a variational matrix product state approach involving an optimized boson basis, rendering possible high-accuracy numerical studies across the entire phase diagram. For the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model with a power-law bath spectrum s, we confirm classical mean-field behavior for s<1/2, correcting earlier numerical renormalization-group results. We also provide the first results for an s<1, different from that of classical spin chains. This illustrates that symmetries are decisive for whether or not a quantum-to-classical correspondence exists.


Article on journal's website