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Wednesday, 29 April, 2020

Minister Sibler gets informed about current research



Science Minister Bernd Sibler with Professor Thomas Carell in front of the new building of the Institute for Chemical Epigenetics (ICEM). Professor Carell is the construction manager for the ICEM.

Last Monday, Bavarian Minister of Science Bernd Sibler visited the LMU Gene Center and the Chair for organic chemistry to get informed about the current status of research on the novel virus SARS-CoV-2.

CeNS member Thomas Carell, who holds the Chair of Organic Chemistry at LMU, is a specialist in DNA repair. Among other things, his research team is developing "gene scissors" that can cut the virus genome at different places after a cell is infected. This already works very well in Corona model viruses, and the first tests on the real virus will soon take place in human lung cells.

During his visit to Großhadern, Minister Sibler confirmed: "Research plays a key role in combating the coronavirus." Research related to the virus pandemic is not only taking place in the natural and life sciences. Even in the in the areas of psychology, education, economics, sociology, cultural studies, and history, numerous LMU scientists deal with all aspects of the effects of SARS-CoV-2.

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