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Monday, 07 October, 2019

An order of magnitude faster DNA-PAINT imaging by optimized sequence design and buffer conditions

Florian Schueder, Johannes Stein, Florian Stehr, Alexander Auer, Bianca Sperl, Maximilian T. Strauss, Petra Schwille & Ralf Jungmann -
Nature Methods (2019)

DNA points accumulation in nanoscale topography (DNA-PAINT) is a relatively easy-to-implement super-resolution technique. However, image acquisition is slow compared to most other approaches. Here, we overcome this limitation by designing optimized DNA sequences and buffer conditions. We demonstrate our approach in vitro with DNA origami and in situ using cell samples, and achieve an order of magnitude faster imaging speeds without compromising image quality or spatial resolution. This improvement now makes DNA-PAINT applicable to high-throughput studies.
