CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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On-surface synthesis of functional 2D polymers

Dr. Markus Lackinger, Department of Physics, TUM & Deutsches Museum


Project: 2D polymers are a class of novel organic 2D materials comprised of molecular building blocks with widely tunable structures and properties. in this project, 2D polymers will be synthesized by covalent coupling of functionalized monomers on solid surfaces. Therefore, various approaches as the direct deposition of radicals or photochemical linking will be applied. Initially, structures and chemistires will be assessed in submolecular detail by Scanning Probe Microscopy and complementary surface science techniques (e.g. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy). Subsequently, functional properties of the 2D polymers (e.g. electrical conductivity or (photo-) catalytic activity) will be explored in a series of complementary experiments.


Requirements: M.Sc. in Physics, Chemistry, Material Science or related fields; desirable but not mandatory: Experience with Scanning-Probe-Microscopy (STM or AFM) and/or Ultra-High Vacuum (UHV)


Position/Salary: TV-L E13 50% - earliest entry date: 01.05.23 - 2 years, can be extended to up to 4 years


Website: http://www.2d-materials.com/

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