CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Nanostructured Metamaterials for Energy Conversion

Prof. Emiliano Cortés, Faculty of Physics, LMU


Project: The project is focused on extensive cleanroom fabrication of metal and semiconductor metamaterials for applications in light-induced energy conversion processes. The project includes the design, fabrication and characterization of such engineered nanostructures.


Requirements: It is essential to have cleanroom experience, including electron beam lithography, metal deposition and some etching technique. It is desirable to have experience in RIE and ALD. This position is suitable mostly for material scientists but can also fit for physicists or chemists.


Position/Salary: E13 100% - earliest entry date: 01.04.23 - 1 year, can be extended to 2 years


Website: https://www.hybridplasmonics.org/

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