CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Selected publications 2009

Drug Nanocarriers Labeled With Near-infraredemitting Quantum Dots (Quantoplexes): Imaging Fast Dynamics of Distribution in Living Animals

A. Zintchenko, A. S. Susha, M. Concia, J. Feldmann, E. Wagner, A. L. Rogach, M. Ogris - Molecular Therapy, doi:10.1038/mt.2009.201 (2009) more …

The Transmembrane Structure of Integrin alpha IIb beta 3: Significance for Signal Transduction

M. Hoefling, H. Kessler, K.E. Gottschalk - Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 48(36):6590 (2009) more …

Single-molecule force spectroscopy distinguishes target binding modes of calmodulin

J. P. Junker and M. Rief - PNAS 106, 34 (2009) more …

Triggering Enzymatic Activity with Force

H. Gumpp, E.M. Puchner, J.L. Zimmermann, U. Gerland, H.E. Gaub, K. Blank - Nano Lett. 9(9):3290-3295 more …

Strong coupling of a mechanical oscillator and a single atom

K. Hammerer, M. Wallquist, C. Genes, M. Ludwig, F. Marquardt, P. Treutlein, P. Zoller, J. Ye, H. J. Kimble - Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 063005 (2009) more …

The optoelectronic properties of a photosystem Icarbon nanotube hybrid system

S.M. Kaniber, F.C. Simmel, A.W. Holleitner and I. Carmeli - Nanotechnology 20, 345701 (2009)

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Multiple CoreShell Functionalized Colloidal Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles

V. Cauda, A. Schlossbauer, J. Kecht, A. Zürner and T. Bein - J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131 (32), pp 1136111370 (2009) more …

The titin-telethonin complex is a directed, superstable molecular bond in the muscle Z-disk

M. Bertz, M. Wilmanns and M. Rief - PNAS 106, 32 13307-133310 (2009) more …

Nano positioning system reveals the course of upstream and nontemplate DNA within the RNA polymerase II elongation complex

J. Andrecka, B. Treutlein, M. A. Izquierdo Arcusa, A. Muschielok, R. Lewis, A. C. Cheung, P. Cramer and J. Michaelis - Nucleic Acids Research, 17 (2009) more …

Dynamics of magnetic lipoplexes studied by single particle tracking in living cells

A.M. Sauer, K.G. de Bruin, N. Ruthardt, O. Mykhaylyk, C. Plank and C. Bräuchle - Journal of Controlled Release 137(2) (2009) more …