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Wednesday, 17 August, 2011

IDK Summer School 2011

On August 2nd 2011 19 members of the International Doctorate Program NanoBioTechnology (IDK-NBT) gathered at Aiterbach at Chiemsee to hold the annual IDK-NBT summer school.


All of the participants left Munich early in the morning and were rewarded with a delicious breakfast buffet on a sunny terrace right in front of the Chiemsee. The PhD students mixed and mingled easily and they talked excitedly about what to expect the next days.

Guest lecturer Prof. Seelig
The scientific part of the summer school started with Prof. Georg Seeligs talk about his research. He is an Assistant Professor for Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington.  He works on understanding how biological organisms process information using complex biochemical networks and how such networks can be engineered to program cellular behaviour. The focus of his groups research is the identification of systematic design rules for the de novo construction of biological control circuits with DNA and RNA components. Prof. Seelig gave a captivating and stimulating talk, designed for the interdisciplinary audience. As a treat he gave the students a DNA game to play he and his group worked out called DNA game: Alpha build.

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