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Wednesday, 18 December, 2013


Dr. Stefan Wuttke joins CeNS as Extraordinary Member


Dr. Stefan Wuttke  completed his Diploma in chemistry in 2005 at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin in cooperation with the University of Glasgow. He completed his PhD in 2009 with Prof. E. Kemnitz at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. For his postdoctoral research he moved to the Institute Lavoisier de Versailles (Prof. G. Férey and Dr. C. Serre) and Laboratoire Catalyse et Spectrochimie - ENSICAEN (Prof. M. Daturi), supported by a Feodor Lynen grant. Since 2011 he is working in the group of Prof. Thomas Bein at LMU Munich as a junior researcher pursuing a habilitation, supported by a Return Fellowship from the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation. His research concerns synthesis, functionalization, characterization and application of porous materials and nanoparticles, particularly structure-reactivity as well as host-guest relationships in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for the application in the field of sensor technology and drug delivery.

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