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Tuesday, 10 July, 2007

New Company: Neaspec GmbH

CeNS members F. Keilmann, R. Hillenbrand and N. Ocelic found Neaspec GmbH


Illustration of the working principle of the Neaspec near-field microscope

A new company, Neaspec GmbH, has been established by CeNS members Fritz Keilmann and Rainer Hillenbrand, with co-founder Nenad Ocelic. Neaspec GmbH will develop and market near-field microscopes with nanometric resolution, a novel photonic technology that excels in material-selective contrast provided by infrared light. This technology has been developed in the labs headed by Fritz Keilmann and Rainer Hillenbrand at the Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, in the department Molekulare Strukturbiologie directed by Prof. W. Baumeister. Neaspec GmbH has been established under HRB Amtsgericht München on 21.5.2007, with Nenad Ocelic as managing director.

The company will be based in Martinsried where development operations have started in rooms of the Innovations- und Gründerzentrum Biotechnologie (IBZ). Intellectual property is being exclusively licensed from Max Planck Innovation GmbH.

Neaspec GmbH
Am Klopferspitz 19
82152 Martinsried

Dr. Fritz Keilmann

Dr. Rainer Hillenbrand