CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Tuesday, 06 March, 2012

CeNS research in a DFG research exhibition

Project of Prof. Jörg Kotthaus and Dr. Eva Weig presented in the German Bundestag


The travelling exhibition Von der Idee zur Erkenntnis (From an Idea to Discovery),  is presenting ten research projects funded through the individual grants program of the German Research Foundation (DFG). These illustrate the variety of current research topics and the creative solutions pursued by individual researchers. The exhibition is taking place in the rooms of the German Bundestag in March 2012. The exhibited project of CeNS members Prof. Jörg Kotthaus and Dr. Eva Weig deals with vibrating nanostrings which can serve as very sensitive detectors for tiny amounts of material.


Exhibition "Von der Idee zur Erkenntnis" (in German)

Press release DFG (in English)