CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Friday, 01 July, 2011

New Managing Director of CeNS: Dr. Susanne Hennig

After Dr. Marie-Christine Blüm took up a position at the University of Zurich, Dr. Susanne Hennig is the new managing director of CeNS. Susanne Hennig holds a diploma in biology. She did her PhD in molecular microbiology in an international research training group in Wuerzburg and Sweden. After a short postdoc period, she changed to research management in 2008 and started to work at the GraduateCenter of LMU Munich, where she was responsible for matters regarding doctoral studies in the natural sciences and medicine. Susanne Hennig is looking forward to good and fruitful cooperations at CeNS!