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Wednesday, 20 July, 2011

ERC Starting Grant for Professor Achim Hartschuh

CeNS member obtains highly endowed EU grant


One of the Starting Grants awarded by the European Research Council (ERC) in its latest funding round has gone to Professor Achim Hartschuh, who works at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München. The award is worth approximately 1.5 million euros over a period of five years. Starting Grants are designed to support cutting-edge research by supporting outstanding researchers who have already shown themselves to be particularly creative. This latest accolade confirms LMUs position among those institutions that have received the most ERC grants. LMU has won more ERC grants than any other German university. Moreover, it has improved its position relative to its European competitors, and is now placed ninth in the top ten.


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