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Sunday, 01 July, 2012

High Honour for IDK-NBT student

Marcus Otten selected as a speaker at the 62nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2012



The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting is an annual event bringing together young top researchers from around the globe with Nobel Laureates from the fields of physiology or medicine, physics and chemistry. This year, the meeting is dedicated to Physics. Beside 27 Nobel laureates, 592 young talents from 69 countries will travel to Lindau.

PhD student Marcus Otten from the International Doctorate Program "NanoBioTechnology" (IDK-NBT) was chosen to attend the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2012, taking place from July 1 to July 6. Upon invitation of the Elite Network of Bavaria, Marcus will even have the honour to present his research at the traditional "Bavarian Evening" on July 5.


The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2012

Movie of Markus Ottens' talk